Friday, October 5, 2007

Some More

So I am very much the kinda of person who feels the need to know what will happen if? I still limit them on the amount of time for computer. Not so much tv although if they were watching all day I would start to feel agitated. But the computer?? I don't know I just keep thinking what will happen? Will their minds and eyes just bleed?! I know if I stare at the tv or computer too long that I get a headache. Will that happen to them? DO I let them discover that for themselves?? Hubby would not agree to that I know. He is on board as far as education but not RU in the terms of parenting. He still threatens punishment all the time. I try to role model all the time but he is not here that often overall. There are days when I think, "Oh this is not me " But I have been reading about unschooling and Radical unshcooling for so long even coming back to it time and time again while we were still homeschooling. It feels like it is where I should be. BUT , I want to be THERE like yesterday.....

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